Example pomp models: Examples of the construction of POMP models
pompExample loads pre-built example pomp objects.
pompExample(example, ..., show = FALSE, envir = .GlobalEnv)
example to load given as a name or literal character string.
Evoked without an argument, pompExample lists all available examples.
additional arguments define symbols in the environment within which the example code is executed.
logical; if TRUE, display, but do not execute, the example R code.
the environment into which the objects should be loaded.
If envir=NULL, then the created objects are returned in a list.
By default, pompExample has the side effect of creating one or more objects in the global workspace.
If envir=NULL, there are no side effects; rather, the objects are returned as a list.
Directories listed in the global option pomp.examples (which can be changed using options()) are searched for file named .R.
If found, this file will be sourced in a temporary environment.
Additional arguments to pompExample define variables within this environment and will therefore be available when the code in .R is sourced.
The codes that construct these pomp objects can be found in the examples directory in the installed package.
Do system.file("examples",package="pomp")) to find this directory.